Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Goodbye USA, Hello Benin!

I apologize for the delay between my trip and this blog. My goal was to post during the trip, but soon found that Internet access was pretty much nil. So instead I will create a photo blog instead of a long narrative (I have one if you're really interested in reading it...)

Days One and Two were spent traveling from Omaha to Cotonou, Benin. We left Nebraska around 1pm local time on July 18th and arrived in Benin around 7pm Benin time (6 hours ahead) on the 19th.

Our departure terminal in Paris was brand new and absolutely beautiful. We spent our layover in the business lounge, thanks to Dr. Peterson's generosity, and took advantage of the food, drinks, and Internet available. The terminal itself is decorated with living artwork of plants similar to that shown in the photo above. It was hard to say goodbye to Paris, but I was super excited to get to Benin!

We made it!
After nearly 27 hours from security to baggage claim, we had successfully arrived in Benin. While claiming our luggage (which took over an hour) the lights and air conditioning went out. It was our first taste of life in a developing country. We met Boris, our guide, outside the airport and loaded our things to head to the guest house where we would be staying. The drive from the airport was an eye opening experience - I take that back - any drive in Benin is an experience. More on that in a later blog!

Au revoir,

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